Saturday, January 16, 2010

The tangle and the strand

The first approach (Forsythe's One Flat Thing, reproduced. )

How to build a dance? How to know a dance?

Take it apart, reassemble, translate, rearrange, regenerate.

I am both witness and participant.

Pelvis elbow arc and slide

Expanding the definitions, the definitive answers, the contours of movement, the boundaries between art and science.

Spin arm pull drag stop dive arc

Is there an illusion here? Or does it deconstruct the illusion, lay bare the inner workings, the cogs of the machine?

Is the truth just under the surface? Not just split into its individual components,

but layers made visible.

Rushing elbow pull slide swoop pelvis slap

Complex web of connections, dense, too tangled for my eye to pull apart, but each strand quantified, arranged, known.

I am defined by my geometry, the lines and shapes that fit together,

defined by my motion through space, through my life.

Defined by my relationships to others, by the inner workings of my brain—

the patterns generated, the creative potential.

Surface (swoop and slide) and under and between

The creation of form; non-divisible wholeness. The experience and the data. The table and the palm. The arc and the line. The cue and the reaction. The tangle and the strand.

20 word sets:

Under which surface?

Explore! Look! Participate!

Arrange boundaries

to quantify strands.

Choose tangles between contours.

Geometry knows.

Connections superimpose—


Rearrange landscape, generate space

Create motion!


translate tangle

under surface strand arrange

choose rearrange quantify know

participate motion create look landscape

generate geometry contours space

explore connections between

boundaries superimposed

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